Built-In Data Types

Kotlin comes with the standard numeric data types you’d expect, and in Kotlin all of these data types are full-blown objects — not primitive data types.

How to declare variables of the basic numeric types:

val b: Byte = 1
val i: Int = 1
val l: Long = 1
val s: Short = 1
val d: Double = 2.0
val f: Float = 3.0f

In the first four examples, if you don’t explicitly specify a type, the number 1 will default to an Int, so if you want one of the other data types — Byte, Long, or Short — you need to explicitly declare those types, as shown. Numbers with a decimal (like 2.0) will default to a Double, so if you want a Float you need to declare a Float, as shown in the last example. You can also declare Long and Float types like this:

val l = 1L
val f = 3.0f

Because Int and Double are the default numeric types, you typically create them without explicitly declaring the data type:

val i = 123   // defaults to Int
val x = 1.0   // defaults to Double

All of those data types have the same data ranges as their Java equivalents:

Type Bit width
Byte 8
Short 16
Int 32
Long 64
Float 32
Double 64

(For more information on those, see my article, JVM bit sizes and ranges.)

BigInteger and BigDecimal

In Kotlin you can use the java.math.BigInteger class:

> import java.math.BigInteger
> val x = BigInteger("1")

Kotlin also has convenient extension functions to help you convert other data types to BigInteger:

> val y = 42.toBigInteger()
> val y = 42L.toBigInteger()

Kotlin lets you use the Java BigDecimal class in similar ways:

> import java.math.BigDecimal
> val x = BigDecimal("1.0")
> 1.0.toBigDecimal()

See these links for more information:

String, Char, and Boolean

Kotlin also has String, Char, and Boolean data types, which I always declare with the implicit form:

val name = "Bill"
val c = 'c'
val b = true

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